I got to sit down with this lovely young woman and chat a little bit about everything! I got to pick her brain on business, networking, and managing all that she does and still keep focused on her goals. Exclamation! Magazine is on the rise. She has big plans for the Exclamation! Brand. If you are in the Jacksonville area, Exclamation! Magazine is having a Gala in November (I will have some of my latest art work there). Information will be linked at the end of the blog!

1) Tell me a little bit about yourself.

My name is Liz Peña. I am a 25 year old woman currently residing in Jacksonville Florida. I am the editor in chief of a fashion, music, and art publication called Exclamation! Magazine. When I am not working on the magazine, I also help businesses and artists as Peña Creative Solutions; work as a performer, do freelance modeling and writing, and nanny. When I’m not working, I can be found doing yoga, preparing healthy meals, spending time outdoors, making art, and volunteering in my community. I am a highly motivated individual, with a fire for living artists and the work they create.

2) Tell me a little bit about your business.

Exclamation! Magazine is a print and digital magazine released quarterly. We cover a variety of topics related to upscale•artistic•bold fashion, music, and art. Our fourth issue, rounding out year one in publication, will be released the first week of December. We also have an amazing gala coming up as a part of our expansion into the events sector. Exclamation! Magazine accepts open submissions and currently has readers and contributors in at least forty different countries world wide. We have representation and sustainability initiatives actively in place and challenge the influential people we interview to discuss these topics with us.

3) Why did you choose your business?

I had previously done work for several years modeling and writing for websites/magazines including vintage magazines, fashion publications, and music sites. I noticed some opportunity areas in publication - both on the indie side and in major publications with household names. I thought to myself, what better way to show what I believe in- interesting readable content, high submission standards, focused curation-than to shape a publication that was built up in areas I found other publications to have less foundation. Why complain about others, when instead I could find a solution and make a statement as myself. The final move to actually launch was a comment from a complete stranger who said “Girl, you should have your own magazine!” It resonated with me. Everything from that point on felt so natural and rewarding.

4) What drives you to continue to push your business?

Exclamation! Magazine is such an authentic and grounding venture for me. There are many areas I want to expand into using the Exclamation! name while staying in the sectors of fashion, music, and art. Every single person who is inspired by something they read in the magazine or that sheds a tear when they find out their art submission was accepted - they drive me immensely. It is not just a business but a way for me to show support for others ventures in a massive (and growing) way. The “end goal” is to be able to put a lot of resources back into supporting arts communities and living artists. Until I am issuing Exclamation! scholarships to child artists, or bringing street musicians into an Exclamation! recording studio for sessions - my work is not yet done with.

5) What is one piece of advice you want to give to someone starting their own business?

Keep your overhead low. If a home office works for you, don’t take a lease out on a bigger location until you need it. If you’re able to get it all done yourself, don’t rush into hiring a big staff. Use YouTube and free learning resources online; pass on the paid masterclasses. Take advantage of inexpensive and free marketing opportunities. Try putting time into social media and content creation before hiring others to do so for you, at least while your business is still young. Use free apps for marketing materials and graphics. Do your research and find those opportunities that will help you build your brand free. Right now I have a home office, have cross promoted for free print marketing, do trades with microinfluencers, do TFP shoots for promotional material, have taken advantage of free prints from major retailers, take open submissions from aspiring writers over hiring a writing staff, and work on a made to order format instead of having thousands of issues printed at first. These are all ways I have been able to avoid taking out credit and loans to build my business and keep myself in the black financially.

Where to find Liz and Exclamation! Magazine:

