I met Astrid when I was searching for an experienced model to shoot one of my new outfits. She really reminded me of the kids I grew up with in WA. She is super smart, super talented, and very kind. She is an amazing model, and modelographer. I am so glad she is a part of Project Strength!

1) Please share a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you do, and what are your passions?

I grew up in Georgia, but not with the usual Southeastern upbringing. My mother is one of the most renowned women in Western philosophy and my father is a West German physicist. For those that don't know the difference between west and east Germany, my dad is the kind of German you would imagine in the sciences. Both of my parents are extremely passionate to their careers and complete nerds. I was born the exact mix of them both. I even look like the German version of my mother. I think that's why I am a model and run my own business of it. I love numbers, nature, understanding the world and people, and learning. That's a daily as a freelance model. Most of my hobbies can lead back to the passion I have for modeling. I sew to make new pieces to model. I learned photography to practice modeling or model self portraits. I get to organize, budget, count numbers, run statistics to make my modeling business more efficient.

2) In your own words, what does strength mean to you? Please feel encouraged to use personal examples of situations in your life where you were required to demonstrate your strength.

Strength is resilience. It isn't only about getting up when you've been knocked down, but about always looking for a better way to reach your goals. I think I got that from my dad. Every time I didn't succeed, he had me figure out how to do better next time. I wasn't allowed to quit as a kid. If I had committed then I had to do my best.

3) What would you describe as the source of your strength?

The desire to be strong and happy. I tell myself that there is no reason I should ever fail except my own personal weakness. I take steps back, but I keep moving forward. I know that sounds like I'm too hard on myself, but I am. I get that criticism a lot, but I believe there is always a way with enough work or cunning.

4) What keeps you from giving up?

Honestly, how embarrassing it would feel to say (to myself or others) I stopped because it was too hard or I was too scared to feel accomplished.

5) Please share something that you never imagined you have the strength to do but you managed to accomplish anyway?

Everything. The way my life is right now amazes me! I thought surely I'd never do anything to feel proud of. I thought I'd live a life I didn't like because it'd be safe and normal. I have friends, I travel, I'm in a wonderful relationship, I get to be very independent, I'm my own boss, and I get to dress up as a mermaid sometimes. I think I'm living the dream, my dream anyway.