I met Heather about 6 years ago. We have done many shoots together. Not only is she an amazing model, she is one of the sweetest women I have met. She had a pretty rough childhood, but it did not keep her from moving forward and succeeding. She is super creative and make amazing desserts. I am so glad I get to work with her, and that I can call her my friend.

1) Please share a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you do, and what are your passions?

I am Heather, a model from Memphis who relocated to Atlanta almost 2 years ago. Some of my biggest passions include baking, travelling, modelling, outdoor activities, and anything that gives a good adrenaline rush.

2) In your own words, what does strength mean to you? Please feel encouraged to use personal examples of situations in your life where you were required to demonstrate your strength.

Strength to me comes from deep within you, not necessarily only the amount of strength that a body builder can lift or a boxer can punch, but the strength that comes from your mind and your soul. Strength to me means having the ability, the desire, and the knowledge, to learn from your past mistakes and wins, to never give up on your aspirations, and to constantly follow your heart while listening to your mind.

3) What would you describe as the source of your strength?

Growing up I did not have the best childhood. I was raised for the most part in a broken home. During my childhood I was bullied not only in school but in my home as well. While I was growing up there was one positive factor that always remained the same in my life though. My grandmother was my source of strength as a child and even now as an adult. She constantly taught me how to withstand disappointments and still be able to look forward to the future and follow my dreams. She was also raised in a broken home but she made so much for herself. She married one of the most magnificent men I've ever met. She raised wonderful children and has provided for her family her entire life. Anytime I needed advice or guidance she's the one I go to. She is definitely my point and source of strength.

4) What keeps you from giving up?

There's so many beautiful things that this world has to offer, landscape, people, activities, anything that you can think of. If you give up you can no longer experience these things so while some things may be tough giving up is never an option.

5) Please share something that you never imagined you have the strength to do but you managed to accomplish anyway?

I fell in love for the 1st time when I was 12 years old. I fell in love with a boy that I thought I would marry. Of course middle school love is just considered puppy love but to me it was so much more. Of course we didn't date all through high school and middle school in all of that but we didn't up getting back together in college. I thought this time was it for sure. I thought that I would find happiness with him in that we would build a great life together. Unfortunately life throws a lot of curveballs and things progressively got worse year after year day after day. I told myself everyday things would get better things would change and not to give up. After years of unhappiness I started to realize that if I didn't give up on the relationship that maybe I would be giving up on me and my happiness. So I decided to not give up on me and to give up the relationship. It was by far the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life because as I said I really truly thought that we would be together forever but after a few months have not been together anymore I realize that might happiness has exploded in so many different areas of my life and that I'm glad I did not give up on me.