I met Kay on Instagram. She won give-a-way I was doing. When we were chatting on the phone about Women, Women in Politics, Life and Mommyhood I told her about Project Strength and asked if she wanted to participate. I was so excited when she agreed to do it.

Kay is a young educated woman working on her Masters. I love the fact that she brilliant, loves politics, is beautiful, and is an amazing Mom on top of it all.

1) Please share a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you do, and what are your passions?

Hi I'm Kiaira Nixon affectionately nickname Kay. A native of the beautiful city of Jacksonville, Florida. Currently I'm pursuing a Masters of Public Policy degree, while being a mom and full time employee. I am passionate about social justice, empowering women and community building.

2) In your own words, what does strength mean to you? Please feel encouraged to use personal examples of situations in your life where you were required to demonstrate your strength.

Strength is letting go of your fears, self doubt or obstacles that hinders you from succeeding. In 2018, one of my goals was to finally work towards earning my graduate degree. I was notified about a fellowship that would pay the entire tuition for my program and provide a public sector work training in addition to a guaranteed job following graduation. I applied for the fellowship, rocked the interviewer and... was not selected. Devastated was an understatement! How could one try so hard and still end up failing? Little did I know God was preparing me for another blessing... motherhood! Fast forward to 2019, I could not let my goal of getting my master's degree fall into the should've, could've and would've basket. Therefore I applied for the program once again but this time as a mom to a beautiful 3 month old. Rocked the interview and was not selected AGAIN! However, I did not let it stand in my way. As of August I entered a program that will take me 3 years to complete whereas it take others 1 year. I am sacrificing precious time away from my beautiful bundle of joy but I know the end result of finishing this degree will prove that I am one strong woman!

3) What would you describe as the source of your strength?

God and being afraid of failure.

4) What keeps you from giving up?

Honestly, knowing that my public policy degree will assist me to solve some of Jacksonville's toughest issues keeps me from giving up. If there was ever a chance I couldn't complete this program I am confident that I will still invest in making the city of Jacksonville a better place for all of its residents.

5) Please share something that you never imagined you have the strength to do but you managed to accomplish anyway?

Being a mom! Yes I'm sure others will say being a mom should not be seen as an accomplishment but it totally is. At 14 I was diagnosed with endometriosis and was told I could not bare children due to the disease. Well God had the final say and blessed me with a beautiful baby boy. This motherhood journey has not been the prettiest and far from what I imagined it would be like. However, it has been the most fulfilling job I've ever had! Seeing the biggest smile on my little guy's face is the best reward to any difficult day.

Where to find this lady on the interwebs:

