I was on Tiktok about a year ago when I swiped across a video of Mckenzie talking about Coral Reef and how you should NOT pick the white coral because it's not dead coral, so leave it alone. Marine Biology has been a passion of mine since I saw "Free Willy" as a kid. Yes, I'm that old. In the rest of her videos she talks about Social Injustices, LGBTQIA+ issues, BLM, the importance of voting, mixed in with some comedy. She also has a Podcast. I will list her links at the end of the post.

Thank You Mckenzie for participating in Project Strength!

1) Please share a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you do, and what are your passions?

HI! I'm Mckenzie Margarethe, or as I go by online, mckensea. I was born in Canada, and then as a young child moved to Hawai'i where I grew up and received my education from elementary school all the way to a B.S. in forensic science and minor in chemistry from Chaminade University. During my undergraduate I was given the opportunity to intern in a coral reef laboratory, and it was there I knew my true passion was marine conservation science. My goal is two sided- I want to continue my education, as to contribute to conservation research, specifically genetic categorizing and preservation, while also teaching the world about the bigger picture and how we need to work together to make fundamental changes to how our system is run, from it's core.

2) In your own words, what does strength mean to you? Please feel encouraged to use personal examples of situations in your life where you were required to demonstrate your strength.

Strength is picking yourself back up. There's no time in life that shows you just how strong you are than picking yourself back up after you feel you've hit a new all-time low. There's also no weakness in taking time to collect yourself, and do things that help center or ground you. I remind myself that it's actually a strength to know when I need a mental health day, and taking it. You're better off allowing yourself a break than continuing to a breaking point. There is strength is knowing yourself.

3) What would you describe as the source of your strength?

I would love to say something cheesy like family, my partner or the ocean, and though those answers aren't technically wrong, a place I always find strength no matter what, is with Elle Woods. Yes, Legally Blonde, Elle Woods. Ever since the first movie came out she has been someone I look to when I need a little pick-me-up. Elle is probably one of the most determined, intelligent, true to herself people to exist (even as a fictional character). She lets nothing stand in her way, not even everyone completely thinking she's foolish with all her ridiculously large goals. As someone who's goals are larger than the seas, whenever I feel like it's just impossible I think WWEWD- What Would Elle Woods Do?

4) What keeps you from giving up?

Definitely the support system around me, with a little bit of my pure stubbornness mixed in there. Whenever I feel like just giving in all my partner has to say is "if you're going to let one stupid thing ruin your life, then you're not the woman I thought you were" and I'm back up on my feet.

5) Please share something that you never imagined you have the strength to do but you managed to accomplish anyway?

Being strong in my own self worth, was something I never thought would be possible for me, until it happened. For much of my life I was in unhealthy relationships, that continued to get more and more toxic until they were abusive. When I saw the same trend with friends I would say things like "it's because we accept what we think we deserve" and yet, obviously aware, I let it continue. It wasn't until I found a good mental health provider, and was fortunate to create supportive friendships, that I finally became strong in knowing my self-worth (and not settling for anything less!).

Images posted were taken by Cheyenne Kanani, Musashi13